‘I Don’T Need This War And I Don’T Support Putin’: Russians Make Mass Exodus | Abcnl

‘I don’t need this war and I don’t support Putin’: Russians make mass exodus | ABCNL

General Petraeus: Putin is desperate and in an irreversible situation | DW News

Four Star General Petraeus told DW that Ukraine should become a NATO member after the war with Russia is over. The success of some kind of Marshall Plan for Ukraine needs a security guarantee, otherwise it will not succeed." He doesn't see any changes after the midterms regarding support from the US. "The midterms will not change this.

There will be enough support no matter who controls which house."He said, "Putin is in a very desperate situation which is irreversible for him if the US and other NATO members continue to provide the support."Asked about the possible use of nuclear weapons he said. "The use of tactical weapons would actually not reverse Russia's fortunes on the battlefield. It would be very destructive, very lethal in a specific area on that battlefield, but it would not reverse this reality that confronts Russia.

And that is the new development."Asked about when the war might be over, he said that one of the factors he is watching most closely has to do with "Russian morale and does individual soldiers, do small units, do large units surrender or meld away, collapse. This is going to be a tougher winter for Russian soldiers than it will be for the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are on their own soil with a very supportive citizenry around them.

Doing whatever they can to support. The Russians are in areas where the citizens hate them.

«Тут техніки стояло стільки, що я не знаю, чого вони так тікали». Як відвойовують позиції в росіян

Українські сили оборони звільнили вже 23 населені пункти на Харківщині. росіяни знову обстрілюють звільнені села, місцеві бояться, що окупанти можуть прийти вдруге. hromadske з двома харківськими генералами потрапило до сірої зони — на територію, яка не контролюється жодною зі сторін.

Не без успіху, але і не без втрат. Територія небезпечна, буквально за кілька хвилин наша група потрапляє під обстріл. Наші журналісти та редактори нині працюють у східних й західних областях, з імпровізованих офісів, укриттів та підвалів, бо наша зброя — це правда.

Журналисты и редакторы hromadske не останавливают свою работу даже во время войны. Мы работаем из восточных и западных областей Украины, из импровизированных офисов, укрытий и подвалов, потому что наше оружие — это правда.Journalists and editors hromadske continue to work in each region of the war disrupted country. They continue to work from improvised offices, shelters, and bunkers.

The City where Thousands of Russians have fled since the Invasion of Ukraine | Foreign Correspondent

Since President Putin invaded Ukraine in February, some 200,000 Russians have fled their country, scattering across western and eastern Europe.Around 30,000 have landed in Georgia, a former Soviet country on Russia’s southern border, where it’s cheap to live and visas are easy to get. Nika Nikulshina can’t see herself going home any time soon.“I really think that I will not be able to go to Russia till Putin will, I don't know, die, disappear, become a bug or something. When it shut down shortly after the invasion of Ukraine, they fled.“There is no guarantee that they will arrest you, but there's no guarantee that they won't.

So there are much more chances that you're going to be in jail, if you go back and we're not ready to have this kind of risks. We have kids,” says Tikhon.“It was the most stressful and terrible moment of my life. “There are good Russians too.

But now there is so much shame for our country, so much disgrace. Russia always had much to be proud of. But this is all so awful.”Dissidents inside Russia are increasingly isolated as State TV whips up hostility against anyone who questions the government.But those who’ve landed in Georgia feel vulnerable too because the Georgian government has been reluctant to criticise Putin for fear of reprisals.

Many Russians living in Georgia are unsure how long they’ll be welcome there.“We know that Georgian government is not happy with us being here because they are afraid that …Georgia will become a safe space for Russian independent journalists,” says Tikhon.“It is not a safe space.”About Foreign Correspondent. This is an official Australian Broadcasting Corporation YouTube channe.

These Muslim Tatars are Fighting Russian Soldiers in Ukraine

Crimean Tatars have faced a long history of persecution and ethnic cleansing throughout the Soviet Union. Now, Russia is invading their homeland of Ukraine. Dozens of mainly Tatar Muslims have banded together to form a civilian battalion to fight against Russian troops.

When World War II ended, roughly 218,000 Tatars were deported from the Crimean Peninsula. Many of them only returned home recently, just to be forced out again when Russia took control of the Peninsula south of Ukraine in 2014. They are now fighting to liberate all the territories occupied by the Russians so they can find a way back home to the Crimean Peninsula.

Man Builds Secret Underground BUNKER in his Backyard

It has had many names, but the concept of a bunker has been around for thousands of years. A place where you can take refuge while the outside world isn't safe. If you have a garden, you can build one underneath, just look how this excellent worker does it.

Watch this review of the construction of a bunker and tell us what you think. FEMA Public Information Officer, Nate Custer, left, and Resource Manager, Sterling Rich examine a newly installed storm shelter North of Atkins. After witnessing the destruction from the Feb.

5 tornado the owner started construction on this shelter the next day. Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.

Ukrainian special forces retake Donbas | Military Mind | TVP World

#TVPWorld #ukraine #ukrainewar #donbass #predator #infantry #military Ukrainian special operations forces 'demilitarised' and took 15 Russians. From mobilisation in Moscow to captivity in Ukraine in 6 days. The Predator 4.0" tactical rifle set.

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Russian State TV Pundits Openly Question Ukraine War

Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline. White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern.

Connect with MSNBC Online Visit msnbc.com.

How Ukraine got the upper hand against Russia

Ukraine’s breakthrough counterattack, explained.Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos. The first phase of the war had been a rapid invasion that drew new battle lines across Ukraine. this next phase saw those battle lines harden and change very little over a long period of fighting.

But in September, that chapter came to an end. For the first time in several months, Ukraine scored a major victory and won back significant territory from Russia.Ukraine pulled this victory off by taking advantage of a surprising weakness in the Russian army. the difficulty it’s had maintaining its ranks of skilled soldiers, especially compared to the training and resources that Ukraine’s army has received from its allies.

Reports suggest that Russia’s army has suffered catastrophic losses in the war, and that it’s attempted to replace those more highly trained forces with large numbers of mercenaries, prisoners, and men over 40. But Ukraine’s victory outside of Kharkiv signals a new chapter in the war — one where, remarkably, Ukraine seems to have a shot at driving out the Russians completely. Watch the video to learn more about why this attack worked and why it matters so much.Some sources we drew on for the video.

Source of this article : https://youtu.be/00SeMTLTSWo


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